
No matter how well your home was built, basement can develop leaks. Homes are constructed to meet industry and safety standards. However, over time, homes settle and the foundation walls and floor may crack. Other water problems may come from the water table under your home or changes in the city sewer system. A small leak now can turn into a major problem as time passes. Leaks also create mold, mildew and water damage.

This can end up requiring very costly repairs to your home. Professional basement waterproofing requires knowledge and skills, along with the right resources and tools. Clear Drains & Waterproofing experts will inspect your home, the drainage systems and property. We look for any problem areas and will discuss the recommended solutions to provide you with permanent protection from leaks and moisture.

In the majority of cases, external waterproofing involves digging down to the footers of your foundation to locate all the problem areas and ensure that your basement is fully protected.

Exterior waterproofing, Foundation wall, repaired foundation wall

Internal basement waterproofing is another method of stopping water damage and flooding in your basement. While external repairs provide the best solution, an internal project can be performed when foundation digging is not optimal.
After we have identified all of the trouble areas, we will provide you with the best waterproofing solution for your unique needs. Once your basement is professionally waterproofed, it will remain dry. Call us, or email us today, so we can provide you with an inspection and a cost effective solution to your leaky basement problem. Our experts are ready to fix any type of foundation problem.

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